UK Business Flight Demand Drops by Nearly a Third Since 2019
20th May 2024 Business Matters
20th May 2024 Business Matters
2nd August 2024 International Rail Journal
Spanish high-speed traffic up 37% in 2023
Rail now has a market share of over 85% compared with air on almost all corridors.
• LCY already have permission for 111,000 flights per year; up to 592 flights per weekday
• LCY have 5 noise monitors close to the airport and 1 in SE28; the only monitor south of the river. You can access these monitors to see the noise measurement an aircraft from ANY airport creates as it flies over.
• London is the most overflown city in the world, with 6 London airports (LCY, Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, Southend). We also hear long haul planes that overfly the UK
• Home buyers can research if your home is under a concentrated flight path, which could jeopardise your house sale
• A concentrated flight path (first introduced in 2016) means all aircraft follow the same route; like a motorway. It means there is no escape if you live under it. The routes will be reviewed in 2025. If you want your views heard, keep following HACAN East
• 16 London boroughs live under the concentrated flight paths of LCY
• LCY does not communicate with all those under their flight paths when they want to make changes that affect us, so our views often go unheard
In the UK there are over 50 campaign groups against airport noise, pollution and expansion. Every major country also have campaign groups. We are not alone.
• International studies have identified how aircraft noise and pollution impacts health; sleep deprivation, stress, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, dementia, etc
• LCY is in the London Borough of Newham, who have approved all previous expansion planning applications. However, Newham Council have rejected the latest application for more early morning flights and flights till 7:30pm on a Saturday
• There are several free apps you can download to monitor all the aircraft in your area. FlightRadar24 shows you which operator, height, time, date, etc. you’ll realise that not all noisy aircraft relate to LCY
• There is a free app you can download called Explane. It measures the decibels of one aircraft overhead. It also records which operator, height, time, date, etc. you can submit the information to an international database.
• Although you may record 75-80 decibels of noise from a single aircraft, the Civil Aviation Authority allows airports to average out the sound over 16 hours (7am-11pm) so it reduces the appearance of the impact on Londoners
• LCY suggest that when new generation aircraft finally come to the airport, they will be 5 decibels quieter. Scientists have proved that the human ear will not be able to detect any decrease in noise
• Your voice can be heard at the quarterly LCY Consultative Committee attended by HACAN East